Statement on Today’s Decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals to Uphold the Hospital Price Transparency Rule

December 29, 2020 — Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld the hospital price transparency rule, negating the hospitals’ lawsuit and paving the way for patients to see real prices starting Jan 1, 2021.

Today’s victory for American consumers recognizes that healthcare price transparency will empower patients to make informed decisions and put downward pressure on prices. This decision upholding HHS’ landmark hospital transparency rule will help ensure that healthcare providers play by the same rules as companies in every other industry. We applaud the court for its well-reasoned decision and HHS for its extraordinary efforts in adopting this rule.

This pro-consumer, pro-competitive decision upholds that hospitals are required to publish their real prices, including their discounted cash and secret negotiated rates. With this information, consumers will finally be empowered to put their health and financial needs ahead of the profits of hospitals and insurance companies.

The implementation of price transparency means that Americans will no longer be blindfolded by hospitals and blindsided by outrageous and unexpected medical bills. They will never again have to pay for healthcare with a blank check.

Clear prices will usher in a functional, competitive marketplace that allows consumers to shop for the best quality of care at the lowest possible prices. Consumers now have the information they need to lead a healthcare revolution that will fix American healthcare for generations to come.
