Statement Commending The Healthcare PRICE Transparency Act

June 30, 2020 - We applaud Sens. Braun and Grassley for their bold vision to put patients in the driver’s seat with transparency and choice. The Healthcare PRICE Transparency Act will deliver the functional, competitive healthcare market that American consumers – patients, employers, and taxpayers – deserve and desperately need.

By requiring hospitals and insurance companies to post their discounted, cash prices and secret, hidden negotiated rates, this bill empowers consumers to see and compare healthcare prices and shop for the best quality at the lowest price. This critical legislation puts an end to price gouging, drives down the high cost of healthcare and coverage, and puts more money back into the wages and wallets of all Americans.

### is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that provides a voice for consumers of healthcare – patients, employees, employers, and taxpayers – to have real access, real prices, real choices, and a trusted, competitive market in healthcare. Ms. Fisher is a life sciences entrepreneur, a member of the Health Information Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC), and founder and former CEO of ViaCord. She is available for interviews on this topic.